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What It Is and How to Build Your Social Media Strategy

Embarking on a journey to refine your social media marketing approach? Excellent! In an environment brimming with increasing content, competitors, and networks, a well-structured strategy provides the essential focus to navigate through the diverse options and to selectively engage in activities that align with your objectives.

In this guide, we delve into the essentials of crafting a social media marketing plan from the ground up. Whether you’re navigating through social for the first time or reassessing your strategies in 2024, this guide ensures you’re well-equipped.

Social Media Marketing Definition

Using social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and X (previously Twitter) to market your business and sell goods and services is known as social media marketing.

Social media marketing includes everything from advertising new product launches to engaging with customers in the comments section and producing content that tells the story and values of your company.

A well-thought-out strategy and the skillful application of social media management technologies are essential for effective marketing in this field.

Setting Relevant Business Objectives

A social media strategy’s cornerstone is a clear statement of your goals. The first step towards achieving your social goals is defining them, regardless of whether they are to grow your community, gain more followers, or increase team size.

Typical Social Media Objectives through 2024 and Beyond

Setting attainable objectives for social media is essential. The social media marketing goals listed below are adaptable to organizations of all sizes.

Goal Example 1: Enhance Brand Awareness

Creating awareness for your brand entails spreading its word. Many customers use social media to follow brands in order to be updated about new goods and services.

Aim for balance by providing genuine content that highlights the voice and story of your brand rather than just emphasizing sales pitches.

According to 68% of customers, the main reason people follow a brand on social media is to be updated about new goods or services.

Goal Example 2: Promote the Generation of Leads and Sales

Purposeful behaviors are what drive customer purchases, whether they happen online, in-store, or directly through your social media profiles. Think about several approaches such as notifying customers about new products, including your product catalog into your social media accounts, or providing followers with unique offers.

Goal Example 3: Expand Your Brand’s Audience

Finding and using effective ways to introduce your brand to people who aren’t familiar with it is essential to expanding your brand’s reach. With the aid of efficient social media management tools, you can expand your audience more quickly by navigating through your social media channels and staying up to date on discussions about your company and sector.

Goal Example 4: Offer Comprehensive Customer Care

Ninety percent of Americans base their decision to do business with a firm on customer service, according to a survey conducted by the American Express Customer Service Barometer.

While prompt responses are important, providing excellent customer service goes beyond simply responding quickly—76% of customers place a higher value on speed. Consumer expectations have grown, with almost 70% of consumers expecting brands to provide a whole experience, including customized responses that address their specific customer care needs.

As a result, businesses need to be creative with the marketing and content they use to discuss customer service. Does your team, for example, have a protocol in place for handling @-mentions and comments? Are prepared answers for FAQs available? Does your company support hashtags and user-generated content? If you give your consumers a reason to be outspoken about their support, they could be your most enthusiastic supporters.

Goal Example 5: Drive Website Traffic to Demonstrate Social ROI

According to the Sprout Social Index, 46% of marketers hope to measure the return on investment (ROI) of advertising spending in 2024 in order to connect the significance of social media to corporate goals.

Simple enough, really. Social networking can help if your main goal is to drive visitors to your website or generate leads. You may more precisely calculate your return on investment from social media by keeping an eye on conversions and URL hits, whether it’s through organic promotional postings or social ads.

You can choose which networks to concentrate on by combining any combination of these goals, which is also appropriate. When in doubt, keep your social media marketing plan as simple as you can to prevent it from getting overly complicated with multiple goals that could distract you. Gather your crew around one or two objectives.

Investigating Your Target Audience and Choosing Your Networks

For marketers, drawing conclusions too quickly might be harmful. Team members and leadership can challenge presumptions by utilizing the powerful insights provided by social data. Without the requirement for formal market research or specific data science knowledge, marketers can quickly investigate their audience with the right technology.

All you need to do is know exactly where to go for the essential audience data that will help you develop a winning social media marketing strategy.

Different Platforms, Different Audiences

Developing a social media marketing strategy for 2024 requires you to understand that different audiences are drawn to different channels. The following important statistics and observations may help you decide which networks to focus on and what kind of information to distribute in your strategy:

  • Elevated Usage of Social Media: According to The Sprout Social Index, a significant 53% of consumers have stated that their use of social media has increased during the last two years in comparison to the previous two years.
  • Instagram’s Expanding Reach: With a staggering 3 billion active users worldwide in 2023 and a projected increase to 1.4 billion by 2024, Instagram continues to be a powerful tool for reaching a wide audience.
  • Pinterest’s Predominant Demographics: Women make up over 60% of the platform’s global population, and Gen Z and Millennials are the main users.
  • X’s User Engagement: Users on X spend an average of 31 minutes on the platform, and the platform has over 500 million monthly monetizable active users.
  • LinkedIn’s Niche and Influential Audience: Marketers see LinkedIn as the best place to generate B2B leads because it is a recognized source of industry-specific, potentially unique material, and because 4 out of 5 of its members have the ability to influence company decisions.
  • TikTok’s Impact on Purchasing Decisions: Notably, 78% of users say that watching video created by TikTok creators about a product has influenced their decision to buy it, and 73% of users say that TikTok has a deeper sense of connection with companies than other platforms.
  • YouTube’s Global and Diverse User Base: As one of the most widely used search engines worldwide, YouTube has billions of monthly users from more than 100 countries in 80 different languages.

Determining the primary residence of your target audience requires an understanding of social media demographics and statistics. To decide where your company should be present on social media, it is equally important to understand the small differences between each platform.

Small to mid-sized firms may need to be more selective, whereas larger brands with extensive consumer bases often have a presence across numerous platforms. Interestingly, not every social media platform will be appropriate for your brand, despite the fact that there are many of them. The brief descriptions of each major social media network are provided below to assist you decide where to spend your time and money:

X (Twitter)

With its straightforwardness and simplicity, Twitter is a vital first step for companies entering the social media space. It’s hardly surprising that Twitter remains a top option for customer service among different firms, given its easy setup requirements and a platform that promotes direct communication with followers.

The platform not only makes it simple to have back-and-forth conversations with clients, but it also provides an excellent opportunity to practice learning the fundamentals of social media marketing. Twitter offers an easy and intuitive environment to get started and gradually hone your methods, whether you’re learning the fundamentals of hashtags, comprehending the subtleties of tagging, creating your business voice, or investigating the etiquette of social media.


Facebook has positioned itself as a vital resource, particularly for physical businesses looking to attract local customers. It promotes the positive relationship between business and community. With features like check-ins and ratings, it helps businesses build a loyal local following. Its exceptional chatbot capabilities highlight marketing efforts and customer care.

The platform’s constantly changing algorithm has moved away from prioritizing Likes and toward a more sophisticated method that gives users’ access to valuable and relevant information more weight. In order to guarantee that users are constantly exposed to information that aligns with their interests and interactions, the algorithm sorts through content using a matrix of criteria that includes signals, inventory, and relevancy scoring.

While some businesses found it difficult to grow their Pages and stay in constant contact with their followers due to algorithm modifications, such the one that happened in late 2022, Facebook’s advertising platform continues to be a shining example of targeted marketing. Known as the best social media advertising, it enables companies to cut through the noise and lessen the effects of algorithm changes, making sure their content reaches its target audience without any problems. Facebook thus establishes itself as more than simply a social network; it’s a dynamic marketing space where companies can use advanced ad features to increase their reach and effect while simultaneously establishing genuine connections with their local community.


Instagram, inherently a platform that celebrates visual storytelling, serves as a pivotal arena for businesses ranging from local brick-and-mortar shops to expansive e-commerce enterprises, as well as a thriving space for influencers. The platform beckons brands to unleash their creativity, offering a canvas where they can weave compelling narratives through striking images, captivating videos, and witty captions. It’s an environment where showcasing your offerings transcends mere selling, morphing into an art form where products and services are illustrated in a rich, engaging context.

Instagram gives marketers a variety of ways to create and share their visual stories, allowing them to engage people in a way that is not only promotional but also relatable and genuine. Examples of these tools include Stories, and Reels. Through the platform, marketers may go beyond traditional marketing and enter a community, connect with people, and effortlessly integrate their products into their audience’s daily interactions and lives. Because of this, Instagram is unique as a location where business and creativity meet, providing a lively market that is both inspiring and amusing.


Upon its inception, the text-based social network Threads quickly gained popularity and lets users post from both desktop and mobile devices.


LinkedIn stands out as a platform that is deeply aware of business trends and networking. In especially for people and organizations navigating the B2B space, LinkedIn is a priceless tool. Are you trying to get in touch with a CEO, marketing expert, or influencer? Their professional profile is probably hosted on this platform.

The benefits of using LinkedIn for marketing go far beyond simple networking. It functions as a powerful conduit for lead generation and content distribution. In order to guarantee that you take advantage of all the chances LinkedIn has to offer, we have put together a guide that outlines the best ways to use the platform and make full use of its many advantages.

LinkedIn offers an organized, professional platform to match your goals, whether you’re trying to meet people in the business world, develop professional ties, or gain insights into your sector. Its distinct focus and large professional user base make it the most effective social platform for contacting professionals and B2B marketers for focused networking and marketing.


Pinterest has become one of the most widely used platforms for marketing, especially among Gen Z and Millennials. Every month, more than 465 million people visit the visual pinning site, which is a lively place where buying and inspiration coexist. As one of the best social media platforms for sales, Pinterest is known for its ability to create aspirational content with images that make things appear subtle yet strong.

This platform functions as a dynamic marketplace in addition to being a creative outlet because to its visually attractive and intuitive interface. Here, companies may cleverly incorporate their offerings into visually engaging stories to gently nudge customers who are only browsing in the direction of a purchase. Pinterest’s concentration on graphics gives marketers a distinctive chance to present their products and tell their stories in a visually appealing and rich setting, which makes it a dynamic and useful tool for social selling and marketing.


Even though it’s not generally categorized as a traditional social network, YouTube has a very active community that makes a big difference. Since videos are the best-performing content type on practically all social media platforms, YouTube makes a great place to host and display your videos—especially if you’re already involved in the video production process.

This platform offers a rich medium through which individuals and brands may share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas with a wide range of consumers through visually compelling narratives. YouTube offers a broad range of video content, from testimonials to instructional, amplifying messages in an approachable and interactive way. As a result, it becomes more than just a place to share videos; it becomes a powerful tool for social media marketing, community development, and creating a recognizable company identity through visual storytelling.


Having crossed the one billion user threshold in September 2021, TikTok is undoubtedly one of the most popular apps worldwide. This short-form video app is well-known for going viral and creating distinct niche communities. Its highly customized algorithm keeps users interested and scrolling endlessly. In fact, TikTok marketing has completely changed the way that brands interact with consumers by providing a fresh and creative way to build relationships.

Through the platform, brands can immerse themselves in fresh, engaging, and frequently trend-driven content that appeals to a wide range of users. With TikTok, marketers can create authentic, engaging, and relatable video through a variety of interactive features, such as challenges and duets. This allows them to forge a deep and lively relationship with potential customers in a refreshingly modern setting.

Choosing Networks for Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

It might be difficult to navigate among a variety of social networking networks, but it’s important to avoid overextending yourself. Instead of attempting to be present on every platform, determine which, given your sector and target demographic, are the most pertinent.

Analyze your current social media following and give priority to the networks where members of your key audience are engaged. Make use of a social media dashboard that gives you a summary of your followers and their interactions with you across all platforms. To make sure your time and effort are spent properly, several analytics dashboards allow you to analyze audience demographics and determine which social networks are most active.

Your social media insights can be enhanced by additional sources, like data from your best-selling goods, your CRM system, email and Google analytics, and your customer support platform. Everything from your marketing messaging to your customer service and social media strategies will be impacted by all of this.

Decide Which Metrics and KPIs Are Most Important to You

All social media strategies, regardless of their business or goals, should be data-driven. Dive into data that is directly related to your objectives instead of concentrating on meaningless stats. This is a brief synopsis of several metrics:

Overview of Key Metrics

The brief summary of several essential metrics is provided below; by looking into these, you can gain more insight into the effectiveness and impact of your social media efforts:

  1. Reach:
    • Definition: The number of unique users who have seen your post.
    • Importance: Assessing how much of your content is actually making it to users’ feeds.
  2. Clicks:
    • Definition: The number of clicks on your content or account.
    • Importance: Essential for understanding what ignites curiosity or prompts people to buy during campaigns.
  3. Engagement:
    • Definition: Total social interactions divided by the number of impressions.
    • Importance: Indicates how your audience perceives you and their inclination to interact.
  4. Hashtag Performance:
    • Definition: Evaluation of the most-used and most associated hashtags with your brand.
    • Importance: Guides the content focus forward by understanding which hashtags are resonating.
  5. Organic and Paid Likes:
    • Definition: Interactions, distinguished between paid or organic content.
    • Importance: Helps budgeting ad spend and time investment across different formats by understanding the variance in like sources.
  6. Sentiment:
    • Definition: Measurement of user reactions to your content, brand, or hashtag.
    • Importance: Helps in understanding public perception and any potential issues or successes in campaigns.
  7. Video Views:
    • Definition: Number of views received on a video, varying in definition across platforms.
    • Importance: Given the rising popularity of video content, it’s crucial to understand engagement metrics related to video views.
  8. Follower Growth:
    • Definition: Net new followers acquired within a specific time frame.
    • Importance: Provides context beyond mere follower count, illustrating the impact and ROI of various campaigns and content types.
  9. Follower Growth Rate:
    • Definition: The percentage indicating the rate of audience growth or decline over time.
    • Importance: A percentage metric can provide more context into the velocity of follower acquisition or loss.
  10. Reply Time:
    • Definition: The duration taken to reply to customer messages or mentions.
    • Importance: Indicates efficiency and potentially impacts customer satisfaction.
  11. Total Response Volume:
    • Definition: The total number of responses sent to customers.
    • Importance: Can indicate the level of interaction and potentially the workload of customer service via social media.
  12. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT):
    • Definition: A score indicating how satisfied customers are with your product, service, or brand overall.
    • Importance: Provides direct feedback on customer experiences and satisfaction levels.
  13. Impressions:
    • Definition: The number of times content was displayed.
    • Importance: Can indicate promotional effectiveness.
  14. Brand Mentions:
    • Definition: The number of times the brand is mentioned, regardless of direct tagging.
    • Importance: Indicates brand presence and visibility in conversations.
  15. Share of Voice (SOV):
    • Definition: Indicates where your brand ranks in market conversations compared to competitors.
    • Importance: Helps gauge the dominance of your brand in industry discussions.
  16. Conversation Rate:
    • Definition: Measures conversion of people to take a desired action on social.
    • Importance: Indicates effectiveness in prompting desired customer actions.

Every one of these measures is essential for establishing and perfecting your social media strategy, making sure it is in line with your overall objectives and yielding measurable outcomes. It’s critical to routinely track and evaluate these indicators in order to modify your approach in accordance with changing audience preferences and trends.

Create (and Curate) Engaging Social Media Content

The success of any social media marketing plan depends on your content. You ought to know by now what to post in light of your objectives, target market, and brand identity. Furthermore, you most likely know exactly which networks to use.

Defining Your Content Strategy

Although creating a content strategy may seem difficult, it all comes down to your objectives. Your strategy will direct the creation of your content, whether your goals are to market e-commerce products, educate your B2B customers, or give priority to customer service.

Find Your Brand Voice

Finding and maintaining your unique brand voice is essential to being seen on social media. Make sure your brand has a human face and a voice and style that are appropriate for your company.

Stick to Content Themes

Making use of recurring themes—like certain forms or artistic touches—will help you improve consistency and streamline your content approach.

Content Ideas for Social Media Marketing

To ascertain the kind of content users are interested in seeing on social media, conduct in-depth study. Understanding what your audience wants can help you create a well-balanced combination of timely, trending material as well as original content.

Stories and Time-Sensitive Posts

There is no end to stories. Stories-style material, which plays on your followers’ FOMO (fear of missing out), is engaging and irresistible. This material can help your brand’s account “skip the line” and remain prominent in the eyes of your audience by automatically showing up first in the feeds of your followers.

Using stories to show your fans behind-the-scenes and personalize your social media feed is quite beneficial. Think about how you may utilize Stories, for instance, to report on an event or take your followers on a trip without requiring them to leave the comforts of the ‘gram.

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Short-Form Video

The rise in popularity of platforms such as TikTok and Instagram Reels has catapulted short-form video content into the spotlight, establishing it as a dominant force across numerous social media platforms, thanks in large part to its capacity to effectively engage consumers.

According to the 2022 Sprout Social Index, short-form videos are 2.5 times more engaging than longer forms, with an impressive 66% of consumers admitting to devoting the most of their attention to such material.

However, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) reports that 58% of consumers are very willing to view films that are less than a minute long, indicating a clear preference for brief, simple material. This predilection can be due to the fast-paced consumption habits that many social media users have today.

Furthermore, according to an Animoto research, 73% of buyers say that a brand’s social media presence influenced their purchasing choice. This emphasizes the need of including good short-form video content in marketing initiatives.

Massive expenditures are no longer required for success in video creation in an increasingly digital environment. With advancements in do-it-yourself (DIY) and remote video production technologies, all that is required to create compelling short-form video content is a laptop or smartphone, as well as a few strategic approaches, such as adhering to video length best practices and proficiently using editing tools.

Showcasing Your Brand’s Unique and Human Element in Posts

Integrating both personable and personal material should be part of any social media marketing plan. It’s critical to occasionally lift the business veil and remind your fans of the real individuals behind your posts. Keep in mind that more than one-third of consumers seek authentic and original content from brands.

According to the Stackla Survey, 86% of consumers say authenticity has a significant impact on their decision to support brands.

As a result, real content that reveals your brand’s humanity and individuality not only fosters connection, but can also favorably influence consumer behavior.

So, let your brand’s distinct personality emerge through anecdotes, behind-the-scenes looks, employee spotlights, and other content that humanizes your company. This not only builds a stronger relationship with your target audience, but it also increases relatability and trust. Embracing and exhibiting your business’s human side has the ability to transform casual spectators into committed brand champions, as people grow to understand, relate to, and eventually champion your brand.

Forge Partnerships with Content Creators

If you haven’t already, you should seriously consider joining the creator economy.

The Sprout Social Index shows that brands who collaborate with content producers and influencers have a 25% retention rate among customers.

When executed correctly, social collaborations may produce significant outcomes, such as increasing website traffic, creating interesting content, and influencing purchasing decisions.

However, consumers are discriminating about the qualifications of creators, necessitating careful selection. The most important requirements for content creators that collaborate with brands are expertise and experience with the product or service, as well as honesty in communication and promotion.

Seek out creators whose values and style align with your brand, and see how they may help you create extraordinary content that resonates with your audience. Strategic relationships with creators not only expand your brand’s reach and engagement across their many channels, but also provide a fresh, authentic voice.

Expert Insight: Use a Competitive Analysis to Improve Your Content

Before you start creating content, you should always have a solid understanding of your competitors’ strategies.

While some companies may use third-party competition analysis tools to delve deeply into competitors’ analytics, a simple inspection of their social media presence can yield a plethora of information.

Start by conducting a simple Google search to identify competitors. Investigate your most important keywords, phrases, and industry terms to see who ranks high in the search results.

Then, compare their social channels to yours. Remember, the goal is not to copy or steal your competitors’ ideas; no two organizations’ social media marketing strategy can or should be the same. Rather, figure out what works best for them and use the results to fine-tune your own ads.

After selecting various industry competitors, use competitive analysis tools to quickly compare their performance to your own.

Different Tools for Competitive Analysis:

  • Social Mention: A simple, free tool for aggregating user-generated information from multiple sites into a single stream. Visit Social Mention.
  • Not Just Analytics: Provides in-depth Instagram analytics, including stats on followers, likes, engagement, and more. Check Not Just Analytics.
  • This all-in-one social media management platform lets you schedule posts, monitor competitors, and generate reports.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush, known for its powerful SEO tool suite, now provides social media tracking and analytics to help you compare your performance to competition.

Evaluate their Facebook postings, compare your Twitter interaction to theirs, investigate how they tag their Instagram content, develop your own strategy, and iterate accordingly.

Social listening can help you take your analysis to the next level. This allows you to get unedited customer feedback on competitors’ products and services. Furthermore, it discovers genuine conversations about your business that could otherwise go unnoticed, offering important data to tweak and improve your social media strategy, ensuring it effectively resonates with your target audience.

Ensure That Your Social Presence is as Timely as Possible

Timeliness is more critical than ever for marketers. Not only are you expected to continually provide new content, but you must also be “on” for your fans. Ensuring timeliness might include methods such as scheduling posts to ensure they are released at ideal times and responding quickly to any activity on your platform.

Optimizing Timing and Content

Effective social media marketing involves not only what you post, but also when you post it. Creating a practical and impactful timetable requires careful consideration of your resources and team size.

Create Your Content Calendar

A content calendar can help you schedule your posts and stay organized. Knowing what you’re going to share ahead of time saves time and assures a diverse content distribution. Use scheduling and publishing tools to manage your social media posts, captions, and creative elements in a consistent manner.

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Post at Optimal Times

To increase engagement, post material when your audience is most active. Various tools and research can help you determine the optimal times to publish on different social channels. Ensuring that your team is available to participate during these times is as important as the posting itself.

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Quickly Respond to Customer Questions and Acknowledgements

Quick reactions to client contacts are essential. Using technology such as chatbots or automated responses can help to provide timely responses, especially during off hours. Implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies can improve efficiency and help scale customer service initiatives.

Evaluate and Adjust Your Social Media Strategy

Launching your social media plan is merely the beginning. To be relevant and effective, you must constantly evaluate and change your strategy across multiple campaigns and initiatives.

Understanding your plan from a comprehensive standpoint is critical. This includes assessing the performance of your campaigns, identifying top-performing material, and making strategic changes anytime your content becomes stagnant.

Experimentation and on-the-fly adaptation are common features of social media marketing. Real-time metric analysis of your campaigns enables you to make gradual changes to your approach rather than executing large, time-consuming overhauls.

Effective social media marketing begins with an attentive attitude to data. You can react in the short term to optimize your current campaigns and use the information gathered to create your future strategy.

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Sharing Insights and Data Across Teams

Sharing data and insights from your social media campaigns is about more than just displaying your performance; it’s also about ensuring that critical information about customer preferences, engagement, and feedback is distributed throughout your organization. Remember, using social data on a daily basis enables real-time modifications and strategic planning.

Consistent reporting not only keeps you accountable for your efforts, but it also highlights the effect and ROI that your social strategy delivers. With extensive data at your disposal, you can successfully assess if your KPIs are aligned with your overall business objectives or need to be recalibrated.

In essence, the continual loop of brainstorming, implementing, reviewing, and modifying is what makes a social media strategy strong and results-focused. The cyclical nature of this process guarantees that your strategy is constantly evolving, in sync with trends, and connects with your target audience, resulting in significant engagement and conversions.

Which Departments Could Benefit from Social Data?

  • Human Resources: Working together on employer brand initiatives will help boost recruitment efforts and attract skilled applicants.
  • Sales: Sharing social information with sales teams can help them operate more strategically, particularly given the growing importance of digital client journeys.
  • Product and Merchandising: Social media insights can help inform product development and merchandising tactics, ensuring that they are in line with customer preferences.
  • Customer Care: Metrics such as response times and volumes can assist customer service teams identify strengths and areas for improvement in their tactics.

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Future-Proofing Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

The numerous aspects of maintaining a modern social presence may appear daunting, but developing your approach does not have to be unduly complicated. Setting defined goals and carefully tackling each of the aforementioned processes will put you far ahead in terms of your social media marketing plan.

Consider downloading full papers or indices on social media trends and techniques to gain further insights and strategies for improving your goals.

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