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Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Choosing a social media management tool in 2024 can be overwhelming, but it’s a decision that will make a big difference. Here’s what to consider, plus a breakdown of top contenders:

Key Considerations:

  • Goals: What do you need help with? Content scheduling, in-depth analytics, customer engagement, etc.?
  • Team Size/Skill: Is it just you, or are there multiple people? Do they need advanced features?
  • Integrations: What other tools (CRM, design software) should it connect with?
  • Workflow: How should the tool work with how you already do things?
  • Budget: Set a realistic monthly or annual budget. Many tools have scalable plans.
metricool planner Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Metricool: Your Analytics Swiss Army Knife

As a team actively using Metricool, we at GrowthBX confidently endorse it as a fantastic price-to-performance solution. Metricool has earned its place as a favorite among over a million professionals, for good reason – it offers a comprehensive suite of tools for social media and online advertising success.

Metricool is a favorite for its in-depth performance overview across multiple social channels. It’s great for anyone wanting scheduling, analytics, and competitor tracking all in one place, with a user-friendly interface suitable for a wide range of businesses.

metricool reports Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Key Strengths:

  • Multi-Platform Management: Streamline your social efforts, saving you time by centralizing all your profiles in one place.
  • Scheduling and Analytics: Plan ahead with robust scheduling, and then gain deep insights into how your content performs to refine your strategy further.
  • Competitor Analysis: See what your competitors are doing right (or wrong!), and adjust your approach for better results.
  • Custom Reporting: Focus on the metrics that matter most to you, with customizable reports you can share with clients or your team.
  • Online Ad Management: Consolidate even more of your digital marketing, with tools to manage ad performance alongside your social presence.
  • User-Friendly: Metricool is designed with all skill levels in mind, making it easy for beginners to learn while still offering power for seasoned users.

Things to Note:

  • Free plan has limitations on historical data access
  • White-labeling features are only in higher-priced plans

Metricool is Best For: Businesses and agencies wanting deep performance insights into their own channels and to keep tabs on competitors.

Metricool PricingStarterAdvancedEnterprise White Label
Social Profile5 Social Set15 Social Set50 Social Set
UserUp to 1 usersUnlimited usersUnlimited users
buffer Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Buffer: AI-Powered Content Creation Made Easy

Buffer takes the stress out of content creation with AI tools suggesting post ideas and copy. Customize and optimize these suggestions for each platform. Over time, the system learns what performs best to boost engagement.

Key Strengths:

  • Direct scheduling and content management tools
  • Integrates with design tools to streamline visuals
  • Has a freemium plan for smaller teams getting started

Things to Note:

  • The freemium plan has limited analytics
  • Lacks native content creation tools for certain formats (like video)

Buffer is Best For: Teams wanting help generating content ideas, and who value the flexibility to schedule directly to their social profiles.

Buffer PricingEssentialsTeamTeam
Social Profile1 Social Set1 Social Set3 Social Set
UserUp to 1 usersUnlimited usersUnlimited users
sendible resports hub Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Sendible: Scale with Agencies, Simplify Client Work

Sendible is designed to help digital agencies thrive. Its interface makes managing multiple clients a breeze, with features like a “priority inbox” for important communications and secure account connections that protect client privacy. Approval workflows and easy-to-customize reporting keep communication smooth and results transparent.

Key Strengths:

  • Client-focused tools for content scheduling and communication
  • Wide range of integrations to expand functionality
  • Training and support resources for maximizing the software

Things to Note:

  • Instagram posting requires a two-step process
  • Some users report persistent notifications

Sendible is Best For: Agencies who need to manage many social profiles with efficiency, clear client reporting, and streamlined communication.

Sendible PricingCreatorTractionWhite Label
Social Profile6 Social Profiles24 Social Profiles60 Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 4 usersUp to 20 users
socialpilot Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

SocialPilot: Growing Small Businesses’ Best Friend

SocialPilot is a great fit for small businesses wanting to level up their social media without breaking the bank or facing a huge learning curve. Scheduling, collaboration, and analytics are its strengths – all with a user-friendly interface that won’t overwhelm your team.

Key Strengths:

  • Bulk scheduling and content curation tools save time
  • Easy-to-understand reports track your progress
  • Integrates with a variety of other tools

Things to Note:

  • Instagram Reels scheduling is still limited
  • The mobile app could use some further development

SocialPilot is Best For: Businesses prioritizing affordable, straightforward social media management that can grow along with them.

SocialPilot PricingProfessionalSmall TeamAgency
Social Profile10 Social Profiles20 Social Profiles30 Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 3 usersUp to 6 users
sprout social dashboard Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Sprout Social is known for its powerful social listening tools. Tap into trending conversations, understand your audience’s sentiment, and create content that resonates. It’s a data-driven platform for informed decisions.

Key Strengths:

  • Advanced listening tools to track industry trends
  • Detailed analytics and customizable reporting
  • Integrates with major social platforms for comprehensive oversight

Things to Note:

  • Higher price point compared to some tools
  • Strong analytics focus might be overkill for businesses needing basic scheduling

Sprout Social is Best For: Businesses wanting in-depth audience and competitor insights to shape social strategy, and who are comfortable with a data-focused platform.

Sprout Social PackagesStandardProfessionalAdvanced
Social Profile5 Social ProfilesUnlimited Social ProfilesUnlimited Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 1 usersUp to 1 users
hootsuite analytics dashboard Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Hootsuite: The Agency Workhorse

Hootsuite excels when you have lots of clients and campaigns to manage. It’s designed for scalability – add new accounts without sacrificing efficiency. Perfect for agencies needing enterprise-level capability.

Key Strengths:

  • Comprehensive post and engagement management across many accounts
  • Customizable reports that are client-ready
  • Wide range of integrations for a complete marketing workflow

Things to Note:

  • Higher-priced plans unlock the most advanced analytics
  • Users report a learning curve to fully master its many features

Hootsuite is Best For: Established agencies needing robust social media management for a large client base, and who will use its full range of tools.

Hootsuite PricingProfessionalTeam
Social Profile10 Social Profiles20 Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 3 users
semrush social tracker Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

SEMrush: Where SEO Meets Social

SEMrush is renowned for its powerful SEO toolkit, but savvy marketers also leverage its social media management features. Schedule and post across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Google My Business – all from one platform. SEMrush’s image editor, UTM builder, and link shortener streamline content customization, ensuring your posts are optimized for each channel. Additionally, you can manage ads specifically for Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and the Audience Network.

SEMrush’s social media tracker gives you cross-platform engagement analytics and collects user mentions in a single dashboard. Monitor your competitors to see their posting frequency and gain inspiration. The true power of SEMrush Social is how it aligns social media efforts with your overall SEO and marketing strategy, bringing everything together for a cohesive view of your online presence.

SEMrush Social’s Key Tools

  • Social Poster: Draft, schedule, and publish posts with ease, equipped with tools like an image editor, link shortener, and UTM builder. Plan your content visually in a user-friendly calendar.
  • Social Analytics: Measure performance across social channels – engagement, follower growth, etc. – to guide your content strategy.
  • Social Tracker: Uncover what your competitors are doing right. Analyze their activity to refine your own tactics for greater success.
  • Social Inbox: Manage comments and messages across Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, ensuring timely and responsive customer engagement.

Key Strengths:

  • Tools for scheduling, posting, and basic analytics
  • SEO integration provides a broader marketing view
  • Good for content optimization across channels

Things to Note:

  • Social tools may lack the depth of dedicated management platforms
  • Best for users already invested in SEMrush for SEO

SEMrush Social offers a complete package for social media management alongside your other marketing efforts. It’s particularly valuable for businesses prioritizing SEO, allowing for a unified approach to content that maximizes visibility across search engines and social platforms.

SEMrush is Best For: Businesses prioritizing SEO, who also need basic social media scheduling and insights integrated into their workflow.

PricingSEMrush Social
Social Profile1 Social Set
UserUp to 1 users

later scheduling Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Later: Optimize Your Instagram Game

Later understands that Instagram thrives on compelling visuals and timely content. It offers a suite of tools to streamline your Instagram marketing, from planning and scheduling to in-depth performance analysis. Simplify your workflow with the visual content calendar and Later’s “Best Time to Post” recommendations, ensuring your audience sees your content when they’re most engaged.

Later’s standout feature is its drag-and-drop content calendar. Easily visualize your upcoming Instagram posts, spot gaps in your schedule, and create an aesthetically cohesive feed that aligns with your brand. Extend your reach on Instagram and TikTok with – create custom “link in bio” pages and track how your audience interacts with them.

Later goes beyond scheduling, offering tools to help you find on-brand user-generated content, get smart hashtag suggestions, and even use AI to help draft engaging captions. Its media library keeps your images and videos organized for easy access across your team.

Key Features

  • Visual Content Calendar: Design your Instagram feed with ease.
  • Instagram Stories Scheduling: Maintain a consistent presence
  • Drive traffic and engagement from your bio
  • Hashtag Suggestions: Maximize post visibility
  • AI-Powered Caption Writer: Save time on copywriting.
  • User-Generated Content Discovery: Tap into authentic content
  • Analytics: Understand what resonates with your audience

Key Strengths:

  • Drag-and-drop visual calendar simplifies the planning process
  • Hashtag suggestions and caption tools boost reach
  • Strong focus on Instagram-specific best practices
  • Streamlined content creation tools
  • enhances your profile’s impact

Things to Note:

  • While expanding platform support, its core strengths remain with image-focused content
  • Monthly post limits might be restrictive for high-frequency posting
  • Still primarily image-focused, might not be the best fit for video-heavy platforms

Businesses and influencers heavily invested in Instagram will find Later’s specialized features a huge asset. It’s also a good option for those wanting to streamline content for TikTok, LinkedIn, and other supported platforms.

Later is Best For: Businesses and influencers heavily invested in Instagram, wanting tools tailored to the platform’s nuances.

Later PricingStarterGrowthAdvanced
Social Profile1 Social Set3 Social Set6 Social Set
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 3 usersUp to 6 users
skedsocial Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Sked Social: Visual Content Innovator

Sked Social understands that platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are all about visuals. Its strengths lie in curating a beautiful feed, with an emphasis on early adoption of new features like Instagram Reels scheduling.

Key Strengths:

  • Visual Content Planner for crafting a stunning social grid
  • E-commerce friendly with Google Business integration and shoppable tags
  • Tools to help leverage user-generated content (UGC)

Things to Note:

  • Some users report issues with video resizing across platforms
  • Initial limitations with story links and carousels

Sked Social is Best For: Brands with a strong focus on visual storytelling and e-commerce features, especially on Instagram.

Sked Social PricingEssentialsStandardEnterprise
Social Profile3 Social Profiles6 Social Profiles10 Social Profiles
loomly dashboard Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Loomly: Master Audience Targeting & Efficient Engagement

Loomly is a standout choice for businesses serious about reaching the right people on Facebook and LinkedIn. Its audience targeting tools are precise, ensuring your content gets maximum visibility in front of relevant communities. It also simplifies social media engagement, allowing you to directly interact with followers across multiple platforms.

Key Strengths:

  • Powerful post scheduling with optimization tips
  • Seamless integration with popular tools
  • User-friendly with insightful analytics

Things to Note:

  • Built-in photo editing is limited
  • Photo carousels can’t be scheduled for automatic posting

Loomly is Best For: Businesses wanting laser-focused promotion on Facebook/LinkedIn, and who value streamlined community management.

Loomly PricingBaseStandardAdvanced
Social Profile10 Social Profiles20 Social Profiles35 Social Profiles
UserUp to 2 usersUp to 6 usersUp to 14 users
planoly dashboard Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Planoly: Design-First Social Planning

Planoly appeals to brands with a strong visual identity. Its interface is pleasing to the eye, and the Instagram grid preview lets you perfect your overall aesthetic. Auto-posting simplifies execution, ensuring your content always looks its best.

Key Strengths:

  • Auto-posting especially for Instagram Business accounts
  • Streamlined content planning and collaboration with teams
  • Focus on beautiful visual presentation

Things to Note:

  • Auto-posting limitations for certain Instagram account types
  • Higher-priced plans can be a barrier for smaller budgets

Planoly is Best For: Brands and influencers deeply invested in a cohesive Instagram aesthetic, and needing tools for team collaboration on content.

Planoly PricingStarterGrowthPro
Social Profile1 Brand (60 Uploads / Month)1 Brand (Unlimited Uploads)2 Brand
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 3 usersUp to 6 users
zoho social analyze dashboard Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

Zoho Social: Streamline Teams, Align with CRM

Zoho Social shines when it comes to smooth team collaboration and integrating social media into your customer relationship management (CRM) strategy. It’s a comprehensive toolset for publishing, monitoring, and analyzing social activity.

Key Strengths:

  • Advanced scheduling with optimized posting times
  • Consolidated inbox for managing conversations across platforms
  • Strong integration with Zoho CRM (a powerful sales tool)

Things to Note:

  • May be underutilized if you’re not already using Zoho CRM
  • Offers many features, but its true power is alongside other Zoho tools

Zoho Social is Best For: Businesses already using the Zoho CRM ecosystem, seeking seamless integration between sales and social media efforts.

Zoho Social PricingStandardProfessionalPremium
Social Profile1 Brand – 10 Social Profiles1 Brand – 10 Social Profiles1 Brand – 11 Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 1 usersUp to 3 users
coschedule Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

CoSchedule: Centralize Your Marketing Alongside Social

CoSchedule stands out for its centralized marketing calendar, giving you a bird’s-eye view of all your social media posts alongside your other marketing campaigns. It’s especially helpful for teams wanting a unified approach to planning, execution, and tracking across channels.

Key Strengths:

  • Unified calendar gives an overview of scheduled content
  • Create social media content directly within WordPress (if you use it)
  • ReQueue feature intelligently recycles high-performing posts

Things to Note:

  • Social analytics might not be as in-depth as dedicated platforms
  • ReQueue is convenient, but needs monitoring to avoid repetition

CoSchedule is Best For: Teams wanting social media to work seamlessly alongside blog posts, email campaigns, etc., and who value a centralized calendar for their entire marketing strategy.

CoSchedule PricingFree CalendarSocial Calendar
Social Profile2 Social Profiles 5 Social Profiles
UserUp to 1 usersUp to 3 users
hubspot social media planner Best Social Media Management Tools of 2024

HubSpot: Build Relationships, Nurture Your Community

HubSpot goes beyond just managing social media – it’s about building authentic connections. Keyword monitoring helps you understand what your audience truly cares about, and its CRM integration lets you personalize interactions at scale.

Key Strengths:

  • Centralized social interaction hub for a unified strategy
  • Powerful publishing tools and analytics for refining your content
  • Tight integration throughout HubSpot’s marketing tools

Things to Note:

  • Some users find reporting could be more in-depth for granular analysis
  • Link previews can occasionally cause issues in the planning process

HubSpot is Best For: Businesses already using the HubSpot CRM, or those wanting social media to be deeply integrated with their sales and customer relationship strategy.

HubSpot Social PricingMarketing Hub Professional
Social Profile50 Social Profiles
UserUp to 3 users
It can only be used with the Marketing Hub Professional package.

Choosing the Right Social Media Management Tool

Selecting the best social media management tool for your business involves a balance of considerations. Here are some final tips to guide your choice:

  1. Assess Your Needs: Clearly define what you want to achieve with social media management, such as increasing engagement, streamlining content creation, or gathering analytics and insights.
  2. Consider Your Team: Evaluate the tool from the perspective of those who will use it daily. Ease of use, collaboration features, and learning resources can significantly impact team adoption and effectiveness.
  3. Integration Capabilities: The ability to integrate with existing tools and platforms (e.g., CRM systems, analytics tools, content management systems) can enhance efficiency and provide more cohesive insights.
  4. Scalability: Choose a tool that can grow with your business. Consider not only your current needs but also what you might require in the future as your social media presence expands.
  5. Budget: Pricing structures vary widely among social media management tools, with some offering free tiers or trial periods. Determine your budget and consider the ROI that each tool could bring to your social media efforts.
  6. Customer Support and Community: Consider the level of support provided. Access to responsive customer service and a community of users can be invaluable, especially when navigating the complexities of social media management.

By taking the time to carefully evaluate your needs and the features of each tool, you can select a social media management solution that not only meets your current requirements but also supports your future growth and success in the ever-evolving landscape of social media.

The GrowthBX team is constantly testing social media tools. It seems like a new one comes out every day, some with very innovative features. We’ve been actively using Metricool lately, and we can say that it’s the best tool in terms of price-performance. We also use SEMrush Social and Later from time to time.

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